Dublin Streets :: Faux Fur Coat Outfit
Hidden Streets of Dublin
EN :: Dublin. It´s not a number one of the nicest cities in the world for me, but it definitely has a beautiful hidden streets and corners and I love to visit this city every now and then. One of the hidden places of Dublin is also this bar which I found accidentally when I was browsing Instagram of some favorite Irish bloggers of mine. When I saw this bar I immediately wanted to know where it is. Doesn t it look so "dublinish"? Later I found out that I was passing by this place a million times and moreover I was shooting one of my outfits just literally 2 meters from this spot in front of the hotel next to it :) Well, a human is a fallible creature...Sometimes you have it under your nose and it´s still not seen...Anyways, the darkest place is under a candlestick :D
SK :: Dublin. Ten pre mňa nie je jedným z úplne najkrajších miest na svete, ale má svoje pekné zákutia a napriek tomu tam z času na čas veľmi rada chodievam. Jedným zo zákutí je aj tento bar, ktorý som náhodou našla pri prezeraní Instagramov írskych blogeriek. Perfektný typický "dublinský" spot, ktorý má niečo do seba! Neskôr so zistila, že som okolo išla už nespočetne veľakrát a dokonca som jeden z mojich outfitov fotila hneď 2 metre vedľa pred susedným hotelom :) Človek je tvor omylný a aj keď má niekedy niečo rovno pod nosom, nevidí to...No čo, pod lampou býva najväčšia tma :D
EN :: After we came to Dublin, it started to rain. Nothing new, I know :) When I was getting ready at home, it was sunny so I curled my hair in a hope it will be sunny all day long. Silly me! :D It´s obvious that Ireland is a country where there are four seasons in one day and I should know it. The first thing I did after arriving to Dublin was buying an umbrella even though I was already wet after a way from the station to the shop. During the way we stopped for a cup of coffee and I wished for a better weather, but it didn´t happen so we continued on our way to the crime scene (Brown Thomas and Gucci Bag haha). Well and on our way we came across this oblique hidden street with the bar :) The photos are not very bright and they are also blurred because it was dark already and also rainy but I still wanted to post them. Life is not perfect and for me, my blog is a great place for making content of every type so I wanted to share it. I am wearing here my new faux fur coat from Topshop which is a newest addition to my wardrobe. I paired it with the black jeans and the red turtleneck which I don´t wear very often, but I kind of liked it together. The rest of outfit is probably familiar to you as I wear it all the time. What do you think about this cute Dublin* street? And do you wear faux fur coats?
SK :: Pri príchode do Dublinu sa nám rozpršalo. Nič nové, ja viem :) Doma ešte svietilo slnko, a tak som si - s nádejou, že slnečno vydrží - natočila vlasy. Ja blbá - jak sa vraví! :D Je jasné, že Írsko je krajina, v ktorej sa vystriedajú štyri ročné obdobia v jeden deň, a ja už by som to mala dávno vedieť. Prišli sme teda do Dublinu a prvé, čo som urobila bolo zakúpenie dáždnika, aj keď som už po ceste zo stanice stihla zmoknúť. Po ceste na miesto činu (kúpa Gucci kabelky haha) sme sa zastavili na kávičku a strašne som si priala, nech prestane pršať. Neprestalo, tak sme pokračovali v ceste a zrazu sa pred nami zjavila tá šikmá ulička :) Fotky sú už zrnité, veľmi neostré, lebo bolo šero a pršalo, ale aj tak som ich sem chcela pridať. Veď nie všetko v živote je dokonalé a ani fotky nemusia stále vyjsť. Hlavne v zime, čo? :D No a na sebe mám svoj umelý kožúšok z Topshopu, ktorý je jeden z mojich najnovších kúskov v šatníku. Zladila som ho s čiernymi nohavicami a červeným rolákom, ktorý nezvyknem často nosiť, ale veľmi sa mi pod kožuch hodila červená, tak som tomu dala šancu. Ostatné veci už dôverne poznáte, lebo ich v zime nosím dosť často. Tak čo poviete na toto sympatické dublinské miestečko? A nosíte kožuchy?
Turtleneck :: Paraphrase
Jeans :: BLK DNM
Faux Fur Coat :: Topshop
Boots :: Kurt Geiger
Bag :: DKNY
Awww babe!! Looks so festive and beautiful! I bet you were warm in your faux fur coat!! So cosy!
ReplyDeleteHappy new year gorgeous!!
Oh, Ashley!! Thank you so much for your comment ♥ Love your blog and Instagram, you are such an inspiration
DeleteI'm obsessed with your outfit!! And these pictures are beautiful. Dublin looks lovely! Xx
Thank you very much :) Yeah, Dublin has some nice spots :)) xx
DeleteMoc krásný outfitek a ten kožíšek je TOP!
ReplyDeleteTip na luxusní pánské kabáty:
Ďakujem veľmi pekne, Iva! Potešilo :)