Elegant Fall Outfit :: Metallic Trend : Tied Waisted Oversize Dress and Poncho
EN :: In a post about the autumn/winter trends for 2018 I was also talking about a metallic trend or a gloss which will be very popular. I really can´t imagine myself in a metallic top or some trousers but as it is said - never say never. As far as metallic pieces I would definitely stick to some accessories or shoes. I think it is the best way to pull off this trend easily. I have these metallic ankle boots about three years now and I love to wear them as they have great block heel made for walking so I always take them with me whenever I go to Dublin. What about you and metallic colors in fashion? If I had to choose a piece of clothing, I would probably go with a bomber jacket even though I don´t really wear this style. I have seen however a few nice pieces like that and it looks really good either in gold or silver. Well a glossy coat or a skirt look great too, I would only need more courage to wear it :)
SK :: V článku o módnych trendoch na jeseň a zimu roku 2018 som písala medzi iným aj o tom, že metalické farby a lesk - tzv. "gloss" - budú túto sezónu tiež veľmi populárne. Určite si neviem predstaviť, že by som si na seba dala nejaký ultra metalický top alebo metalické nohavice, ale ako sa vraví - nikdy nehovor nikdy. Pokiaľ ide o metalickú farbu, ostávam skôr pri doplnkoch a topánkach. Podľa mňa je to to najlepšie, ako zakomponovať tento trend do outfitu. Moje metalické kotníkové čižmy mám hádam už 2 roky, ale veľmi rada ich nosím, lebo ich opätok je ako stvorený na chodenie, a tak si ich veľmi rada beriem so sebou na potulky Dublinom. Čo hovoríte vy na metalické farby a odlesky? Ak by som si ešte mala vybrať nejaký kus oblečenia v tomto prevedení, tak by som asi išla do nejakej peknej bombery aj keď ja tento štýl veľmi nenosím...Videla som ale niekoľko takých kúskov a vyzerá to ozaj fajn či už v zlatej alebo v striebornej. No aj lesklý kabát či sukňa by neboli na zahodenie, akurát by mi na to bolo treba trošku viac odvahy :)
EN :: A poncho is a piece of clothing I don´t wear very often. This one is in my wardrobe about 3 years but I have worn it only once. I was thinking it would look good in combination with some jeans and heels but it wasn´t right weather for it. I would definitely have much more wear out of it if I was at home in Slovakia because we have a beautiful Indian Summer or some really nice warm autumn days. In Ireland it is either warm for it (which is never) or too cold for it (which is almost always). Well the day we went to Dublin was actually one of the nicest so I decided to finally wear it because I usually pair everything with leather jacket and it was time to experiment a bit and wear something different for a change. I knew I want to wear my yellow sweater dress as a fundamental piece of my outfit well and why hesitate more? Grey color of the poncho and yellow color of the dress complement each other very well and I paired it all with my beauty Furla bag which pattern is in the same color combination! Sometimes you don´t even know how and the pieces of your outfit are so good together like right pieces of the puzzle. I was feeling very good and comfy as well as feminine, the only thing is that there is not many nice places for shooting in Dublin. We found this beautiful street though, but as soon as we took out the camera, there were suddenly so many people and cars around that we have only a few really similar shots. It would be a pity however not to share this autumn outfit with you as it is perfect for this season.
SK :: Pončo je určite kus oblečenia, ktorý nenosím veľmi často, ale k jeseni jednoznačne patrí. Toto pončo mi v skrini visí už dobré 3 roky, ale mala som ho na sebe iba raz. Vždy som si vravela, že keď si ho dám znovu na seba, budem ho kombinovať s nohavicami a opätkami, ale nikdy na to nejako nebolo vhodné počasie. Určite by som ho viac využila doma na Slovensku, kde nás zvykne počasie potešiť krásnym babím letom alebo nejakým tým jesenným oteplením. Tu v Írsku je na pončo buď teplo (čo je málokedy) alebo zima (čo je takmer vždy). V deň, keď sme sa vybrali do Dublinu, bolo pomerne teplo, a tak som sa rozhodla vziať si ho. Nechcela som proste každý jesenný outfit skombinovať s koženou bundou a bol čas trochu zaexperimentovať. Vedela som, že si chcem na seba vziať žlté svetrové šaty, čo bol stavebný prvok outfitu, no a prečo viac váhať nad pončom? Veď sivá a žltá sa tak krásne dopĺňajú, nehovoriac o tom, že som si spomenula na svoju krásku Furlu, ktorej vzor tvoria presne tieto dve farby. Človeku sa to tak pekne vyskladá ako kúsky puzzle a niekedy ani nevie ako. Cítila som sa v tomto outfite veľmi dobre a pohodlne, zároveň aj žensky, škoda len, že je v Dubline tak málo pekných miest na fotenie. Túto uličku sme našli len náhodou, no akonáhle sme tam začali fotiť, hemžilo sa tam kopu ľudí a áut, takže máme len zopár veľmi podobných záberov. Outfit som si ale nechcela nechať pre seba, lebo si myslím, že je ako stvorený na jeseň.
Dress :: NA-KD
Poncho :: TK-Maxx
Shoes :: Carvela
Bag :: Furla
Watch :: DKNY
that poncho is so classy! love it!
Thank you, I should wear it more often :)
DeleteLoving this look so much dear! especially the dress!
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Thank you,Spencer :)
DeleteWow I love this!