Packing Struggles
EN :: The choice of my outfit when I travel is some kind of a misery as I can think of it even when I lie to my bed. In front of my eyes I can see the whole wardrobe with all my clothes and I imaginarily try some combinations which could theoretically work for the trip. How about you? Are you the same? I am actually very indecisive so I usually ask my husband what he thinks and all this fashion world and blogging somehow got himself as well and he has this "sickness" too - asking me for my opinion. His shoe closet is actually quite big so we are addicted soul mates now :D Well to Edinburgh I packed quite quick as I ordered a grey cashmere sweater before and in town I found very nice white Karl Lagerfeld long sleeve top and black sweatshirt from Diesel which is a little bit oversized and I love it. You can see it on the pictures now and I have to say I´ve been dying to find the sweatshirt like this since I was on Tenerife and Peter borrowed me his Diesel sweatshirt when we went up to the volcano Teide. I really loved how it looks and his is still much nicer but he promised he will borrow me that top again if I want :) Well let´s go back to the packing. I had three new tops and it is of course normal when I have something new I want to wear it straight away. All three tops were absolutely perfect for combining as they are in neutral colors so I had it easy! The base was done and the rest I kept easy and simple - black jeans, black Dr. Martens shoes. On the top I wore my Topshop faux fur coat even though I looked like a bear, but on the other hand I was really happy I chose this one cause Edinburgh was too cold and windy. As far as the details, I carried my Gucci Marmont bag and I finished it all off with the pearl moon necklace I got for Christmas. ♥
SK :: Výber outfitu, keď niekam cestujeme je pre mňa najväčším utrpením a dokážem nad tým premýšľať dokonca aj keď si už ľahnem do postele. V hlave sa mi premieta celá moja skriňa a pomyselne si skúšam kombinácie, ktoré by boli teoreticky vhodné na výlet a dali by sa medzi sebou pekne kombinovať. Máte to tak aj vy? Ja som ale strašne nerozhodná, a tak sa často pýtam manžela či môže byť to alebo ono a všetko to moje blogovanie a záujem o módu sa trošku preniesol aj na ňho a ten sa ma potom tiež často pýta na môj názor. Topánok má totiž požehnane a sú z nás spriaznené duše závislákov :D. Na výlet do Edinburghu som sa teda zbalila celkom v pohode, pretože som si predtým objednala sivý kašmírový sveter a v meste som potom objavila biely svterík od Karla Lagerfelda v bielej farbe a čiernu mikinu od značky Diesel širšieho strihu, ktorú momentálne vidíte na fotkách. Po takej som túžila už od chvíle, keď sme boli s Peťom na Tenerife a na sopku mi požičal jeho čiernu mikinu Diesel a veľmi sa mi to zapáčilo :P Jeho je dokonca oveľa lepšia, ale sľúbil, že mi ju určite požičia :) Vrátim sa ale späť. Na výber som teda mala 3 nové topy a u mňa to tak býva, že ak mám niečo nové, automaticky to chcem začať nosiť a kombinovať. Všetky tri mi hrali do karát - sú teplé, v neutrálnych farbách a ľahko kombinovateľné! Základ bol teda vyriešený a k tomu som už len skombinovala čierne rifle a čižmy Dr.Martens. Na vrch som si vzala tento môj kožúšok z Topshopu a aj keď som vyzerala ako medveďko, bola som veľmi rada, že som ho mala. V Edinburghu je proste v tomto období hrozná zima a čo bolo najhoršie - neskutočne tam fúkal mrazivý vietor... Outfit som už len dokombinovala Gucci kabelkou a doplnila náhrdelníkom s perlovým mesiacom, ktorý som dostala na Vianoce ♥
Edinburgh :: Dean Village
EN :: Ah Edinburgh! The city is really beautiful and after our last city break in London I thought nothing will exceed my feelings and impress me more. But Edinburgh did. It has completely different vibe, charm, different character, different people, different streets, simply different atmosphere - so magical - literally. The first day we were there we went to see the Edinburgh castle where was so windy that I felt like in Siberia. I also recorded a very short video in there when my hair was everywhere and I said: It´s freezing windy here like in Siberia! And I sounded veeery desperate which was so funny that every time we are in a bad mood with Peter the only thing makes us laugh is exactly this video haha :D After a few hours of walking and exploring the castle, we went to Dean Village. The village is maybe half an hour distant from the castle. We loved it in there so we shoot the outfit as well. Yellow houses added some kind of dimension to the pictures and the car standing a bit further had it´s charm as well. We found this village on the internet and Instagram as one of the nicest places in Edinburgh so we wanted to go and have a look. We always try to find some main places we want to go before we are there and make a day plan and it is worth it. So how do you like Dean Village and my outfit? ♥
SK :: Ach Edinburgh! Mesto je naozaj krásne a po minuloročnej návšteve Londýna som si myslela, že ma už viac nič nenadchne. Nadchlo! Malo to úplne iné čaro, iný ráz, iný nádych, iných ľudí, iné uličky, proste inú atmosféru - takú tú čarovnú a to doslova. Hneď v prvý deň sme sa vybrali na hrad, kde bolo zima a fučalo ako na Sibíri. Keď poviem toto slovné spojenie, vždy sa začnem smiať, pretože som tam natočila také krátke video, kde mám vlasy odviate vetrom a hovorím tam "Fučí tu jak na Sibíri" pričom sa tvárim veeeľmi zúfalo. Ak sa budeme chcieť s Peťom kedykoľvek dostať do skvelej nálady, stačí nám ho zapnúť a výbuch pozitívnej energie sa dostaví do sekundy :D Po návšteve hradu sme sa hneď vybrali do Dean Village, ktorá je vzdialená asi pol hodinku peši. Veľmi sa nám tam páčilo, a tak sme tam nafotili aj outfit. Žlté domčeky dodali fotkám trochu farby a dimenzie a auto, ktoré stálo obďaleč malo tiež svoje čaro. Dedinku sme samozrejme nenašli len tak z ničoho nič, ale predtým než sme sa sem vybrali, sme si doma prezreli miesta, ktoré by stáli za pozretie a aj za fotku. Tak ako sa vám páči Dean Village a môj outfitový výber? ♥