EN :: April is very weird this year. I know that it is normal to have changeable weather this season, but I expected that at the end of this month will be at least 15 degrees or more. In Ireland it is even worse. Today it started to hail and last two days were literally freezing and we felt like it was December or January. Brrrrr. I am now thinking about our wedding which is in the middle of May and I really hope it will be warm ♥
We were shooting this outfit one week ago when the weather was basically "spring" and I could, of course, wear a skirt. This one is from River Island and I bought it last year when the embroidery trend started to appear. As you can see, there is also blue color on the skirt so I decided to pair it with the blue sweater and forget the white or black which I wear all the time :)
I´ve finally ordered few tops, because I really don´t have many in my wardrobe and when we are going shopping I can´t really find any nice piece I would love. I can´t wait to wear them and I can tell you that they are not white nor black :D
Have a nice day.
SK :: Apríl je tento rok veľmi zvláštny. Viem, že býva v tomto období premenlivé počasie, ale na konci tohto mesiaca by som už očakávala, že bude aspoň 15 stupňov alebo viac. No a tu v Írsku je to ešte horšie. Dnes nám tu padali krúpy a posledné dva dni boli doslova mrazivé a pripadali sme si, akoby bol december alebo január. Brrrrrr. Ja už teraz myslím na našu blížiacu sa svadbu, ktorá je v strede mája a veľmi si prajem, aby bolo teplo ♥
Tento outfit sme fotili asi pred týždňom, kedy bolo počasie v podstate "jarné" a ja som, samozrejme, vytiahla sukňu! Táto je z River Island z minulého roku, kedy sa začal objavovať trend výšiviek. Keďže je na sukni aj modrá farba, rozhodla som sa ju skombinovať s modrým svetrom, aby som zas nekombinovala s bielou alebo čiernou, ako to mám vo zvyku :)
Konečne som si objednala nejaké topy, pretože tie mi v šatníku naozaj chýbajú a keď ideme nakupovať, nikdy mi nič nepadne do oka. Už sa neviem dočkať, kedy mi prídu a keď ich nejako skombinujem do outfitov. No a musím prezradiť, že nie sú biele ani čierne :D
Majte sa krásne.
Leather Jacket :: Diesel
Sweater :: Massimo Dutti (Similar)
Skirt :: River Island
Boots :: Diesel
Bag :: Mango
Watch :: Festina