SK :: Pekný deň! Dnešný outfitový post je z outletovej dedinky zvanej Kildare Village a jej okolia. Boli sme tam so snúbencom na celodenný výlet, pretože bolo konečne krásne počasie. Nešli sme za ničím konkrétnym, len sme si chceli užiť spoločný deň voľna. Ja som tam však objavila skvelý trenchcoat na jeseň, ktorá pomaly, ale isto prichádza a zaujímavý top, ktorý uvidíte v najbližšom poste. Ako vidíte, stihli sme tam vyfotiť i outfit a na sebe mám tento "háčkovaný" biely top z Vero Mody, Diesel džínsy, Bcbg topánky a koženú bundu Diesel. Je to taký jednoduchší outfit, preto som ho doplnila výraznými náušnicami modro-zelenej farby. Dúfam, že sa Vám nový post páčil a prajem krásny deň... :)
EN :: Hi guys! Today´s outfit post is from Irish outlet village called Kildare Village and from its surrounding. Me and my fiance were there for an all-day trip, because the weather was finally very nice. We did not follow any vision of buying something concrete, we just wanted to spend a nice day off together. I discovered, however, very nice trench coat for autumn which is slowly but surely coming and a very interesting top which you will see in the next blog post. As you can see, we managed to shoot my outfit which consists of a crochet white top from Vero Moda, Diesel jeans, Bcbg shoes, Mango bag and leather jacket from Diesel. I would say it is a very simple outfit so I added a little bit of color in a form of blue-green statement earrings. I hope you liked my post. Thank you for stopping by, have a nice day :)
Top :: Vero Moda
Jeans and Leather Jacket :: Diesel
Shoes :: Bcbg Max Azria
Bag :: Mango
Watch :: Festina
Lipstick :: Mac Viva Glam Ariana Grande
Earrings :: Gate
Instagram :: @sinnamona
Bloglovin :: HERE