EN :: There are so many beautiful places in Slovakia to take some photos and enjoy the free time that I can´t even count them. You can discover there many lovely secluded places, secret narrow streets, interesting backgrounds, colorful walls and houses, old and new architecture, gorgeous calm nature or busy urban places... I´m really happy that we had time to shoot few outfits there and it really wasn´t very hard to find a nice little spot for it. However here...in Ireland...everywhere you look, there is a grey color. Grey houses, grey streets, grey paths, grey buildings, grey skies. I really don´t want to criticize too much, because there definitely are beautiful places in every single country or city worthy of pointing out. Ireland also offers plenty of lovely places..we just haven´t discovered them yet... I just wanted to highlight the beauty of our homeland again and the thing that I have never realized it even though I had it under my very nose :)
Today´s outfit is one of those simple and also comfy. I have bought this top in Mango and I swear I didn´t know hot to put it on :D Too complicated haha. The only thing that matters is that it´s summery, trendy and yellow! I paired it with these distressed jeans from Topshop, which are one of the most comfortable I own, and I have also worn my new Furla cross-body bag for the first time.
How do you like this outfit? Do you like yellow color? How do you wear it or pair it? I wish you a lovely week and don´t forget to follow me on my Instagram @sinnamona.
SK :: Na Slovensku je toľko krásnych miest na fotenie, že sa to ani nedá spočítať. Človek tam objaví krásne zákutia, tajné uličky, zaujímavé pozadia, farebné steny a domy, starú i novú architektúru, krásnu prírodu, mestský ruch... Som rada, že sme doma nafotili pár rýchlych outfitov a naozaj nebolo ťažké nájsť nejaké pekné miestečko. Kdežto tu..v Írsku, kam sa pozriete, tam vidíte sivú farbu. Sivé domy, sivé ulice, sivé chodníky, sivé stavby, sivú oblohu. Nechcem to tu ale priveľmi kritizovať, pretože určite v každej krajine a meste sa nájde niečo krásne a hodné pozdvihnutia. Aj tu je toho dosť..možno len nami neobjaveného. Chcela som len znovu vyzdvihnúť krásu domoviny a aj toho, ako som si tú krásu priam pod nosom nikdy neuvedomovala :)
Outfit je samozrejme z kategórie mojich jednoduchých a tentokrát pohodlných. Top som si kúpila v Mangu a trvalo mi dosť dlho, kým som zistila, ako sa správne oblieka :D Hlavne, že je letný, trendy a žltý! K nemu som si dala roztrhané džínsy z Topshopu, ktoré sú jedny z najpohodlnejších, aké mám a prvýkrát som si zo sebou vzala svoj nový poklad - mini kabelku Furlu.
Ako sa Vám páči tento outfit? Máte radi žltú farbu? Ako ju nosíte? Prajem ešte pekný začiatok týždňa a nezabudnite ma sledovať na instagrame, kde ma nádjete ako @sinnamona.
Top :: Mango
Jeans :: Topshop
Shoes :: probably Deichmann
Bag :: Furla
Watch :: DKNY