Weather Depression. Again.
EN :: No, it´s still not a proper spring outfit with a leather or denim jacket or with some thin tights instead of these thick... Unfortunately even despite the fact that we were supposed to have nice weather in Ireland till 20 degrees, nothing similar haven´t happened yet...:D - which is actually very depressive and me an my husband are very jealous of our Slovak friends and their beautiful weather they are having right now...Peter because he is a moto-biker and he would love to ride his bike, relax and switch off his mind and me because I am a fashion maniac and I just want to wear my skirts and some pumps or sandals finally :) Now I can only hope it will get better soon so for now I am showing you an outfit typical for colder spring days where the sun is embodied in this yellow dress!
SK :: Nie, ešte stále to nie je ten pravý jarný outfit s koženou bundou či rifľovkou alebo tenkými silonkami namiesto tých hrubých... Bohužiaľ aj napriek tomu, že v Írsku už pred týždňom hlásili oteplenie skoro až na 20 stupňov, zatiaľ sa žiadne nekonalo :D Ani trochu! Začína to byť pekne depresívne a my s manželom poriadne závidíme Slovákom a Čechom ich krásne jarné počko. Peťo hlavne preto, že je motorkár a určite by sa rád konečne povozil, odreagoval a vypol myseľ a ja samozrejme preto, že som módna maniačka a rada by som konečne vytiahla nejaké tie lodičky, sandálky, sukne a koženú bundu :) Nateraz ale ešte ostanem v tej chladnejšej jari a prinášam vám takýto outfit, v ktorom som si slnko priniesla v podobe žltých šiat!
Oversize Yellow Sweater Dress
EN :: Well this dress is amazing! I ordered it from the website - NAKD Fashion - which is very popular and many of you definitely know it. The dress is over-sized and its material is similar to some comfy hoodies so you can combine it with some sneakers as well. They also have it in purple which I loved a lot but then I started to think rationally and realized I don´t have many shoes or accessories to pair it with it so I chose the yellow one (which I don´t regret). There is also a looong long belt coming with the dress from the same material which you can style however you want. I paired the dress with my metallic Carvela boots and Gucci bag which has gold details as well so it went nicely together. I can´t wait for a nicer weather because I think this dress can be styled many different ways with many different accessories. And as far as I live in Ireland which is rainy with a colder climate, I can wear this sweater dress all year... And what about you? Are you enjoying the weather and spring outfits?
SK :: Tak tieto šaty sú úplne perfektné! Objednala som si ich zo stránky NAKD, ktorú určite poznáte a zatiaľ ma ešte nikdy nesklamala. Šaty sú oversized a ich materiál možno prirovnať k nejakej mikinke, takže sa určite dajú pekne skombinovať aj k teniskám. Mali ich aj vo fialovej farbe, ktorá sa mi veľmi páčila, ale potom som konečne začala uvažovať racionálne a zistila som, že by som si k fialovej nemala ani čo obuť, a tak som sa rozhodla pre žlté (čo určite neľutujem). K šatám bol pribalený aj opasok z rovnakého materiálu, ktorý je mega dlhý a mám ho obmotaný okolo pásu asi na 3x, ale vyzerá to super a dá sa s tým pekne vyhrať. Ja som teda šaty skombinovala so svojimi metalickými topánkami Carvela a Gucci kabelkou, ktorá má tiež zlaté detaily, takže mi to do seba pekne zapadalo. Neviem sa dočkať lepšieho počasia, pretože šaty sa dajú kombinovať do rôznych štýlov s rôznymi doplnkami a keďže je v Írsku klíma taká aká je, dajú sa nosiť celoročne. Tak ako ste na tom vy? Užívate si počko a jarné outfity?
Trenchcoat :: DKNY
Dress :: NAKD Fashion
Boots :: Carvela Kurt Geiger
Bag :: Gucci
Watch :: DKNY
Earrings :: NAKD Fashion